Best Jam Session Ever! (again...)

Grey Angel

Angel of Shredding
Yep, it was better than last time. (if you even ever read that post...:p)

He kicks ass at guitar, he's used Fruity Loops for years now and let me listen to some kick ass trance music, some with his own kick-ass guitar, some without. His looks are kick-ass. So you might be wondering, why do I like such a violent fellow? (referring to the redundant use of "kick-ass" as a modifier)

We played guitar for over an hour, feeding off of each other's creativity. It was amazing. Most fun I've had playing guitar EVER! I was like, in the zone. This morning when I went to play guitar, it felt so different. Everything felt like it was urging me to move around. Anyway, I couldn't decide which forumn this belonged in, so I just plunked it down in here :D :o
Grey Angel said:
Yep, it was better than last time. (if you even ever read that post...:p)

He kicks ass at guitar, he's used Fruity Loops for years now and let me listen to some kick ass trance music, some with his own kick-ass guitar, some without. His looks are kick-ass. So you might be wondering, why do I like such a violent fellow? (referring to the redundant use of "kick-ass" as a modifier)

We played guitar for over an hour, feeding off of each other's creativity. It was amazing. Most fun I've had playing guitar EVER! I was like, in the zone. This morning when I went to play guitar, it felt so different. Everything felt like it was urging me to move around. Anyway, I couldn't decide which forumn this belonged in, so I just plunked it down in here :D :o

Glad to hear ya had fun!
mshilarious said:
Uh oh, is this one of those Gwen Stefani - Tony Kanal situations :confused: ;)

I don't think so. He calls me "dude" and "man" a lot, so I might be just another guy to him. It might be better that way; then we don't have to worry about all that other stuff.
Grey Angel said:
I don't think so. He calls me "dude" and "man" a lot, so I might be just another guy to him. It might be better that way; then we don't have to worry about all that other stuff.

Well, good luck with that. I'm not sure coed bands work in terms of being platonic. The only two exceptions I can think of are the Carpenters and the Osmonds, and I'm not too sure about the Osmonds ;)
There are a lot of bands that I know of that have both female and male members, and no problems of the sort (at least not publicly):

Most Precious Blood
Nightwish-might be wrong on that one...
Arch Enemy
Lacuna Coil
White Zombie
Leaves Eyes
The Distillers
I wish I could say Evanescence...but I guess I'll have to mark that one off the list...
Hey - go with it! Sounds like one of those times you will always remember!

As far as coed bands, well click on the link I'm spamming below. Our Catalonian goddess can stop traffic any time she wants to and she's as much one of the guys as the guys are - we just all understand who we are and where the limits are - part of being friends in the first place. Plus she's married to Hercules, so that helps a little. :cool:

Don't sweat it - let the chemistry feed you!