Best Headphones for $100

Yo SS:

For a few pezzutos more, you can latch onto a set of Beyer 250s.

Closed cans -- good for studio work. Comfortable and quality cans.

But, then, for a few pezzutos less, the "others" are also pretty good cans. I just prefer the Beyer cans over the others that hang out in my studio.

Green Hornet:D :p :cool:
Yo SS:

For a few pezzutos more, you can latch onto a set of Beyer 250s.

Closed cans -- good for studio work. Comfortable and quality cans.

But, then, for a few pezzutos less, the "others" are also pretty good cans. I just prefer the Beyer cans over the others that hang out in my studio.

Green Hornet:D :p :cool: :D
Use the same words in a search of this site--you'll find loads of past thoughts about this issue.

J. has a promotion for the Sennheiser HD-280's for $70 with a $10 mail-in rebate, with free shipping. They are normally $100. For the price you can't beat them
For tracking I really like the Vic Firth Isolation phones. I have the AKG's, the Sennheissers and even a pair of Koss and they're all good, but with the Vic Firth ones, I don't need to crank up the volume as much since they really cut out the sound from the instruments except what's comng through the mics. The good thing? They're cheap ($49.99). The bad thing? they have a cord with a 1/8" plug so you have to use an adapter. Sound quality is very good.
I'll go along with Victors.... I like the Sony MDR 7506. Good quality, closed, and comfortable on the ear.
What are you guys talking about? You don't know what he needs them for.

Sammy: What for? Do you need isolation? Do you need portability? What are you driving them with?

The Grado 60s have great sound for the money, I've been enjoying a pair for ten years. But no isolation, questionable comfort for long sessions, and a pleasing but less that flat tonal balance. So they're great for somethings and inappropriate for others.
i bought a, uh, pair of audio technica ath-m40fs headphones, haven't had a chance to use them yet (in transit) but you can find them out there for 60/pair

you can check out more reviews here...

i bought mine used, but you could always get your local music store to meet/beat the price, so as to not have to wait to have the item delivered

the recommendations i have most often come across (for reference, i am still building a studio piece by piece and most of the time i've spent online to do with music has been to decide what i want to use or am going to get) are the.....
sony 7506s
seinheiser (sp) hd280s (have heard they're comfortable, but the sound is 'colored')
and the akg 240 series (all models)

and another factor is if you want headphones so that when a band or group shows up to record and they thrash all over the place and smash stuff, if the more expensive headphones are the best model for the job...
ecstatic said:
another factor is if you want headphones so that when a band or group shows up to record and they trash the place and smash stuff, if the more expensive headphones are the best model for the job...
If you just need to use phones while tracking a band, the $20 MoreMe phones will do fine. They're at: You can buy five pair for the price of one Sony 7506.