Berringer Monitors ?


New member
Hey Bruce or John...You guys get my respect for great answers. A friend of mine has been letting me use his M-1's
for a couple of months. There o.k. I quess. My old EPI's
sound better I think even just thru an old Dynaco 400 amp.
I was looking at the Berringer's for $649....or the Events
6's or 8's or 20/20 bas... I like to monitor pretty loud!
The M-1's wern't quite there. I know you just got the Event's. I have a JBL powered sub...10 in. Sounds great.
The Berringer's have 150 watts on the woof..and 75 on the hi's. By the way I'm newbie here....but have toured alot...and was a session player for years in Nashville. But now it's home studio time.
Welcome aboard!

I use Event PS6s with a Tannoy 12 in sub.... pretty impressive sound (well I think so anyways!)

Just a tip - monitoring loud is nice to get that "hit you in the chest" feeling, but the optimum mixing level is around 85db.... it is very wise to mix at a variety of levels to check consistency, but the nominal 85db is typical.

Huh... what did you say?...I'm a little hard of hearing after 30+ years of playing the music I love (most of the time). Thanks for the tip. I still wish somebody has heard the Berringer's.