behringermx2004a mixer


New member
i want to get one but i wanted to know if any of you have used one. my set up is pretty low budget- akai dps 12, some mxls and etc. if anyone knows anything..please speak up
i have one. no problems yet. had it for almost 2 years. the pres suck ass though. i just bought an m-audio dmp3 preamp and saw in true aural glory the shittiness of the behringer pres. but other than those i have been happy.
I've never had any problems with mine, although the pre's do sound a little 'cold', I wouldn't say they were shit though if your using good leads and mics.

For a beginner I'd definatly suggest one.
neil, what have you compared the behringer pres to? i did a comparison with the still budget-minded dmp3 and i almost shat my pants at the tone that came through compared to the behringer.
I was comparing the pre's to the pre's I'd previously used in my schools Soundcraft mixer, the Mackie mixer and the Phonic.

That Phonic......... worse than the Behringer.

I thought the Mackie was the best of them all, but in terms of cost to quality it was way too expensive, in Britain at least.

The Soundcraft was good and probably what I'd upgrade to next.

Don't take my opinion as amazing though - I'm just a physics student with a strong interest in music and recording.
Neil Ogilvie said:
I was comparing the pre's to the pre's I'd previously used in my schools Soundcraft mixer, the Mackie mixer and the Phonic.

That Phonic......... worse than the Behringer.

I thought the Mackie was the best of them all, but in terms of cost to quality it was way too expensive, in Britain at least.

The Soundcraft was good and probably what I'd upgrade to next.

Don't take my opinion as amazing though - I'm just a physics student with a strong interest in music and recording.
oh now you tell me
I've had one for 4 years now and haven't had a problem with it. I don't mind it at all and I like the way my stuff is sounding when recording. I don't have much experience with other brands so I can't compare. I do know that I can hear noise when I turn the pots way to its highest level though, so the others are probably right about the pre's being worse. I just don't turn them up that high, so I don't seem to hear anything, I'm recording at 24 bits so it doesn't seem that I really need to get my tracks at -3dB while recording anyway. For half the price of a mackie with 8 xlr inputs, I think its a good deal for beginners. I bought a good condensor with the money I saved when I decided on buying the behringer. But if you want a better product that will probably last longer and probably give better recordings and you can spare the money, I would buy a mackie from what I hear of them. They seem to have a good reputation.
I have personally been using one of these extensively for Recording, Rehearsal, and Live Sound for a year with no probs whatsoever. It has been banged, dropped, and pulled over and fell about 5' by a Hmmmmmmmmmmm, youngun at church.

If ya get one, and plan on moving it alot I suggest ya get a good Gizmo Bag to carry it in. This is the one that I just got:

It's awesome and I wish I had gotten one when I first bought the Behringer.

CR ><>
I have one that I use for recording and mixdown. Never had a problem with it and the pres are usable if you're just screwin' around, but are useless if you are looking for a good preamp. Mine does get a little warm at times so I don't leave it on when I'm not around.
