Behringer VX2000


New member
Anyone here have experience with the Behringer Vocal Pro? Any impressions from experienced users would be appreciated.
I would be using it for recording into a Tascam 4 track or direct into computer; my desire is to have a good clean mic preamp with phantom power (at least better than my garbage Tube MP, anyway) with quality compression to give me a little extra headroom.
I'm not interested in any political or economic discussion on the qualities of Behringer as a company, nor do I need more impressions of their customer service. I simply want to hear how the unit works in the hands of an experienced user.
Thanks in advance,
I own a Vocal pro - and I recently A/B'd it against the Focusrite Voicemaster - which it appears to copy in design (not a political statement - just an observation). I've also compared both units against a Tube MP.

I ran a male voice and an accoustic guitar through both units useing both an AT4047 and a MLX67. I could tell very little difference between the Vocal Pro and the Voicemaster - given that the Voice master was in the $600 range, I think the Behringer held it's own.

Keep in mind that the Vocal Pro is a channel strip which requires a bigger learning curve than a mic pre. To best utilize a channel strip you have to have some understanding of compression, EQ, etc.

Behring may not be top of the line and some may argue its engineering and marketing approach - but I now own a Behringer channel strip, a compressor, an equalizer and a headphone routing system and they all work fine for my little project studio.
thanks for your prompt response, Mikeh. How did the preamps in the vocal pro/voicemaster stack up to the Tube MP? I would also be using the MXL V67. I must admit my experience with the MP has been bad, it has always had a very noticeable hum, even after being sent in for service.
I think the pre's in the Behringer are reasonably silent - I believe less noisy than the Tube MP - although I really have not had that much of a noise problem with the two Tube MP's I have.

However, I only use the Tube MP's as a preamp for a POD and a J-Station so I have the whole "guitar amp buzz" going on anyways.
I normally have a comp/gate at the end of almost any signal chain to tame any noise.

Are you sure all the noise is from the Tube MP and not something else in the chain? Are you using balanced vs. unbalanced cables? If unbalanced how long of a cable run? (You should limit unbalnaced to less than 15 feet). How close is your gear to a computer? Do you have more noise recording guitar vs. vocal.

In any case, I think the V2000 is a pretty good value.
Thanks again. I'm pretty certain it's the Tube MP that's noisy; I've gone straight from mic, to TMP, to 4track, balanced the whole way, and the hum is persistent. It dissapears when removing the TMP and plugging the mic straight to the 4track. I've done it with and without a power conditioner, and it's far away from anything with a big transformer. The engineer at the pro studio I record in also has one that he won't use for anything but kick drum-- same issue. I've heard it suggested that I try a different tube inside it, but I figure I can spend 20 hours of tweaking to try to get the damned thing right... or just write it off and buy a better preamp. I do most of my real recording in a pro studio, I just need a mic channel at home that's good enough for quick recordings of new songs, etc.
I'd put in on E-Bay but I couldn't sell a noisy preamp with a good conscience. Bad karma I guess.

Can you tell me a little more about how you go about from Art pre to POD? Is there any reason why you set them up that way?



My signal path (for guitar) is:

Guitar -> POD -> Tube MP -> Comp/Gate -> Computer

Originally I started to use the Tube MP simply to have a mic pre stage coming out of the POD - it also seemed to "warm up" the sound of the POD. However a more important benefit was that it allowed me to run a balanced XLR cable for my guitar gear to the computer (although I could also achieve that with a DI boox).

I keep my guitar gear as far away from the computer as I can to avoid noise (the single coils on my Tele & Strat don't get along with the computer) so I want the balance cable run which the XLR allows.

I then use the Comp/Gate to accept the XLR cable which allows a mimimal 1/4" cable run from the Comp/Gate into the computer (via Layla). Naturally the Comp/Gate also allows for some minor processing at the last stage prior to the computer.

I also have a BBE462 set up that I can patch into prior to the Comp/Gate if I feel the Guitar signal needs something extra.
Hello's funny this is here, because i registered here to see if i can get help with mine :)

Ok- get your laughs out before i tell you my setup....

ok ready?

Behringer B-2 mic -> behringer mixer -> behringer USB interface -> computer

With Fostex Monitors.

I have a Behringer Ultravoice vx2000

Where in this path would this be hooked up?

I didn't come to be made fun of, as I know this is a simple question to some of the pro's out there. Right now my quality is great after my mix, but the hardware is always the most complicated for me.

Please help!

*EDIT* I'm using this only for rappers and instruments.
Haha, yeah, but I got all this stuff for free.

When I record my own songs, if it doesn't come out good enough here then I record at a big studio out in Syracuse, NY.

But, being broke, a behringer setup for free isn't too bad ;)

Anywho - after I hook this up, I may have a question or 2.

Thanks in advance for the help, guys!
