Behringer Truth Monitors


New member
how do these stack up against say the Mackie 624's(of course i know they won't be as good...)

i've heard some things about these...
didn't you just answered you own question ?

with monitors you definitely get what you pay for.. If your budget allows the mackies, buy them (or even the 824's).. do a search for good budget monitors (yorkvilles are popualr on this board)

I have the Behringer's but I agree with the above post, except I'd go for the 824's myself. The Truth's are good for the money. It doesn't hurt to run a sub woofer with it. When I can afford the Mackies, I'll put the truth's into the live room for playback there. They look great, their not small, around 30lbs each, well built, and don't sound too bad. 150 watt lows, and 75 watts on the highs, and room compensation switches on the back. Overall I like them, their not the greatest, or the worst, but hey, for $399, need i say more?

If you can wait, save for the Mackies, If you can't try the behringers, you can always return them within 30 days in most stores....

I've got the Truth and the have everything the 824's offer. Exactly same size, speakers diameter, power, room compensation, auto power off, and so on .............except for the sound ofcourse :) They are pretty good for the price though. In that price range I would say these are THE BEST BUY.
If you are planning to buy a 624, I would say either buy the Truth or go for 824.
I have been using the Truths for over a year and am very satisfied with them. American Musical Supply catalogue #143 has them for $319.98!!