Behringer Pre-amps


New member
I was wondering what people thought of Behringer preamps. I was thinking of getting one. Im mainly DIing keyboards to Mac PBook G4. If they arent up to scratch, what do you recommend ? something that is affordable along the lines of the i think it's the 6 track Behringer one.

Powered mixer?

Do you really need a powered mixer?

How many channels do you need for simultaneous recording?

Behringer preamps are "ok", I'd go for the UB series mixer since those feature the IMP (invisible mic pres) preamps which are the newest design.

Behringer preamps are kind of muddy on top, but have a decent low end response. I've always preferred them on the cheap to Mackie VLZ preamps since the Mackies are harsh up top and lacking on the bottom. At least the Behringers don't grate your ears like fingernails on the chalkboard!

The new Mackie preamps may be a significant improvement but I have not heard them, only the VLZ's.

YAMAHA MG is the answer

the yamaha MG series are as cheap as the behringer mixers and way better. of course you get their quality and reliability too. there are some on here who prefer them to the mackie vlzs so get one. unless you really need a powered mixer, but if you're not going to a passive set of PA cabs you don't.

if you do get a powered mixer, don't plug the main outs into your mac......or you'll have a mac with fries ... i mean a mac that's fried.... :( never mind