Behringer Magician T1950


Well, I A, B, and C'd three of them side by side. The ones in the AW4416 are average, the ones in the new TC Helicon VoicePrism cloud and darken the signal and have no ability for editing or tuning it. The Beh, so far, is my pre of choice. It's very cyrstal clear and you can tune it with ease.

Thanks. NS
Behringer Magician

Napoleon, do you have this in the chain to your recording device?

I have a 8 bus yamaha recording console. I was thinking of using the unit in between the 8 bus out and the adat. Can the unit's functions of 'cold' be used to apply no signal coloration at all, i.e. BYPASS?


Hi all, I saw Steve Wyrick’s real magic show in the Miracle Mile shops in Las Vegas. Steve Wyrick performs an illusion where he rides a motorcycle on stage and supposedly into a cage that is lifted high above. The cage then completely opens up as there's an explosion and the bike is gone. Steve then appears on the motorcycle at the back of the audience. I was so wondered. Can you tell me the realistic?
Hi all, I saw Steve Wyrick’s real magic show in the Miracle Mile shops in Las Vegas. Steve Wyrick performs an illusion where he rides a motorcycle on stage and supposedly into a cage that is lifted high above. The cage then completely opens up as there's an explosion and the bike is gone. Steve then appears on the motorcycle at the back of the audience. I was so wondered. Can you tell me the realistic?

Anyone use the Behringer Magician T1950
or heard anything about it's
ability to 'warm up' digital audio?

My personal opinion is that the whole "T" series sounds horrible. Thin, small, strident...really bad. You're not doing anything good for your digital audio by running it through cheap toob gear. The fact is that digital audio shouldn't sound "cold"...if it does, you're doing something wrong. Either that or your conversion isn't up to the task.

There are things you can do without spending thousands though. I love the ART Pro VLA...just set the threshold for no gain reduction...swap the tubes out. Aside from that there are great summing boxes out there...Dangerous Music makes a couple of good ones...but they're more expensive.
