Behringer EURORACK MX1604A or Spirit Folio Notepad?


New member
I've been looking around for decent quality mixers which won't blow my budget up. I've narrowed them down to the Eurorack and the Folio Notepad, they both cost around $300; besides I don't have many options here. I've heard many good things about the Notepad but not much about the Eurorack. I'll be basically recording drums, guitar, vocals and bass through the mixer(not with all of them at the same time) and I will connect it to my soundcard and record to my HD.

So if you could give me more insight to decide on one of the mixers I'd really appriciate it. Like quality of preamps or noise level, etc...
I recently purchased a Eurorack MX802A mixer, which is 4 mono + 2 stereo x 2. Its seems like a nice unit, very small. I wanted it as a second mixed for my computer room (outside my studio) for transfering data onto hard disk via a basic SB Live sound card. Seems to work fine but I have very limited use with it (only had it a week)
I am thinking about getting a Eurodesk 32x8 mixer (or Alesis Studio 32) to replace my other mixer, was wondering if anyone had any experiance with one of those.
Look for a used Better mixer. You always need more then you think you do.. I bought a Makie 32*8 for 1,000 bucks and it was in perfect condition as well as a Alesis studio 24 (8 Channel) for $325.00 So just look around.