Behringer C1 Condenser Mic, any good for Vocals?


New member
I'm in the process of recording my band songs, I have all the music down but haven't got to recording vocals yet.

Question is i've seen the Behringer C1 mic for dirt cheap.

Is it rubbish or would it be ok for vocals?

I have a friend needing an acoustic EP recorded so the mic would be used for this too.

Many thanks, Muzza
pre upgrade

i have this mic and although its served me well for a year recording a variety of sources vocals male and female. guitars, percussion all manner of things
but i've just got a behringher B2 pro and for the money your getting a much better mic for not a lot more
i upgraded mine because the C1 is a little brittle when i get a high pitched female ranges
it can take some righting before the mix can be done
the B2 pro (btw i have no association with behringer simply been using this gear for a while ) it is multi pattern to so for mid side experiments it comes in handy
so you get quite a bit more
your choice
theres some great value mics around
I, too, use a B-2 Pro and really like it, especially for the cost. It's a poor man's U-87. Same features with the variable pick-up pattern and 10dB cut. Of course, it doesn't have near the depth of the Neumann (please don't think I'm comparing them in quality!) but for the money, it's a darn good mic.