behringer 2222fx to PC sound routing


New member
im currently having some trouble routing (getting it to record on my PC) the audio from my behringer 2222fx to my pc, i have the recording program im using set to record from the usb (uca 200) but when i check to see if an audio signal is coming in to my pc i gets nathan, im thinking the audio hasnt been properly routed on the mixer, so, how can i get this behringer 2222fx to send audio out thru its cd/tape output on to my pc, im trying to record a drumset and i want to get each mic/drum recorded on a separate track how can i do this, i like reading manuals n' stuff but this situation just grabbed me by the kiwi's and wont let go :eek:
On your mixer make sure that you have all of the channels set to be sent to the main mix by pressing down the "main" button to the right of each fader. Then after that go to the right side of the mix under the effects and you will see a box with 3 buttons. It should be labeled in bold "Source", and inside of that box you should have "CD/Tape", "Sub 1-2", and "Main" buttons. Be sure that "Main" is engaged. Lastly, in that same area you will see a knob that says "CTRL Room & Phones". Right above that knob is another button and it says "CD/Tape To Main", make sure that that is pressed also and that should send all of your signal to the output of the CD Tape. You may also want to make sure that your RCA cables coming out of the mixer are plugged into the input of the interface. After that load up your software and see if it works. It should work because I have that same Mixer and Interface and it has been working perfectly for me for over 2 years. Hope that helps and if your still confused I can try to write something better up for you.

EDIT: I just also noticed you said you wanted everything on a separate track, but you cant do that by using the RCA outs. You will need to get a Firewire or USB interface that allows simultaneous track recording. However you could pan one track completely left and another completely right and then cut them up in your software and that would allow you to have two tracks after separation.
hey contour,
so what type of interface is it i need for simultaneous track recording, do u use simultaneous track recording or do u record with the rca's?

so what kind of firewire interface would i need to record an 8 mic drumset, would it need to have 8 ins or just a 1 cable connection to the mixer i got the mics on
I just use RCA outputs for mine because I only record guitar, vocals, and bass at my place. You would need a firewire interface something like a Presonus FirePod or a Alesis io|26 for cheaper solutions. There are more out there that are more expensive but those two would work fine for recording an 8 mic drum kit.