Beatles sung out of tune


It is a life preserver
You know..I think I'm getting better..But still..Don't turn this up too loud.

Yeah man, I blew this one. Diced it pretty hard..NEXT!

What would you do if I sang out of tune???Well? What?

Screenshot 2022-02-02 152821.jpg
Forgot the Capo...Damn.. Figure thats why I cant find the vocal key.

For some reason I just started soloing on the reason for it..strange.
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So you knocked a demo out - with demo like parts to see what they did (like the lead guitar part) and banged the finish.
What are you looking for if anything?
Thats how I doing it. I know what it should sound like. What I want it to sound like. Find the cuts and pans and levels is always a great mystery. sometimes I get close. Not this time though.
When I use a clipper alone in the master bus , the mix has a drone in it like distortion. If I use a Limiter alone in the master bus the additional gain is muffled or muddy.

The best way seems to be to use both at the same time. Anybody know what i am talking about?

JS Master Limiter
JS soft Clipper/ ReaComp works too

or switch the order up. It just seems right to have a master limiter/Reacomp in the main FX window. Something to keep it from clipping when you are performing. So I don't look at the screen to see if it clips. You just play.
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I had one tune that sounded best with three limiters from three different Dev's on the mix bus to sound it's most balanced.
That actually didn't sound bad, a little tweaking here and there. I play a couple of songs that call for a capo, but I think playing without the capo sounds better. The acoustic guitar sounds fuller (probably wouldn't matter for electric guitar) and I think my vocals sound better.
a little tweaking here and there.
Usually i keep my tracks pretty raw in the daw.
I play a couple of songs that call for a capo, but I think playing without the capo sounds better.
Yeah, but i warmed up with it in the proper key. Then I belt it out thinking I need to hit 1 whole step higher than I do. I forgot the Capo , and the high notes I could not find.
I think my vocals sound better.
You could be right, my voice is horrible.
To start , I think this was a great song to cover. One "for sure" suggestion I can offer is , before you add clippers or boosters to the master track , mute your vocal track , change your master track to mono and adjust your individual track volumes while listening in mono. Loud tracks and an out of balance mix will be WAY more apparent in mono. Vocals can then be brought in to get a rough idea of where they should sit in the mix. Get a mono mix sounding Good and your stereo mix will be Amazingly better. Clean up the hot spots at the track level and you shouldn't need a clipper. This is a fast way to get a headstart on a mix. ms
This afternoon I was messing with it.

I tried selecting mono to try and even them. Then rendered in stereo. I had to change all the levels again.

this one
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There's more low end in this last mix - and it's not sounding good down there. I think your voice is sounding fuller here, but I can't tell for sure because the low end is flooding the whole thing with a muddy blanket and may be coloring it.
Thanks, Spants. Honesty is appreciated.

I cut the bass everywhere . It is not balanced, but is the bass fixed?

I think I cut and compressed the guitar too much. It goes from chimey to flangy. The leads is ok. Strong. The chords are terrible.

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I think your first version is actually the best. It's got the immediacy and rawness that the other mixes lack. Too much thinking going on with those. Good version though, you've captured the energy of the original