Beatles Cover

Thanks alot once again everybody.....

I wasnt really happy with the vocals but thankfully you guys didnt pay me out too badly..........

WE decided to do that song cos i heard it on the I am Sam album and it reminded me of that great song. And then i heard two buskers in the city singing it! It was fate - I had to record it..hehehe

Im also a huge beatles fan - I didnt really do them justice on this one i dont think - but i wanna do another soon and (as usual) next time it will be better!

Thanks everyone once again for saying stuff like -

Has the Beet'uls flow definately!
It takes some balls to cover a Beatles tune and you pulled it off.
Always tough to do Beatles and not murder it........
Loved it.

Im honored! believe me

Pretty cool man...........the fact that you chose that tune instead of a tune that everyone's done is very cool.
I haven't heard the vines cover so I don't have that for a frame of reference but it's too fast for my taste. And the pitch issues with the vox that have been already mentioned. I agree that you need that bass line for it to sound right. pretty let's hear another.