BEATLES cover -- Papberback Writer


Two big challenges to this one.

1. Capturing the gritty country twang of Harrison's guitar on the big intro.
2. Mixing the massive number of vocal tracks (18, if I counted correctly ... I confess I lost touch, after multiple bounces).

Folks, as a very sporadic commenter on this forum, I probably don't deserve whatever critiques you can offer. You won't find me whining for responses, if this thing sits on the forum for a week with 190 replies and no comments.

But if the spirit moves you, have at it.


Mike Brusko
You can totally change the title and edit the link into your other thread man - If you're quick.

REALLY enjoyed listening to that cover. Those harmonies are certainly a challenge! Fair play.
'The band' grooves along nicely. Nice one.
With the exception of the vocals there's a distinct lack of sparkle/top end..
The drums are almost mono.
Which makes me think Id rather hear the track in mono - the harmony stacks are up the middle & that gives an even stronger nudge towards going back to mono.
the drums, by the way, are your weakest link - particularly the hit hat or ride that ticks away.
Sterling effort so far - serioulsy, consider mixing in mono.
I started a thread about the problems with .mp3 attachments HERE

Hopefully it'll get sorted soon.

Did you try re-uploading the .mp3 file to your attachments folder? Or did you select the last one you uploaded? If not, delete the old one and try uploading it again.
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