Beat I Made With REEK BROCK's Soundkit

mind you... i didnt use anything else besides what you had in your soundkit...

took a little tiny bass piece from george duke and eq'd it

took the hi-hats from idris muhammad and slowed them down to match the tempo of the beat

and eq'd the snare and kick to my liking.

hope you enjoy.
yeah... thing is... a lot of producers will just use the obvious things that are given in the kit... they wont look further into each individual song sample and take even more interesting things... thats what makes a beat stand out is people are buggin out cause they didnt think you could pull them damn sounds from the same soundkit.. but its possible. and i guess theres where the creativity comes in and whatnot.

lots of good sounds in the kit... it was missing a bass tone though. so i had to grab that george duke joint... and make it repeat really really fast and turn the bass up higher on it to sound more like a solid tone.
Yo DEF, that was nice how you did that track. I just downloaded the kit and I'll have my track up tonight. Beware !! lol, good isht though homeboy
Sorry def, i gave in. I had to listen to it!!! That's some hot stuff def! :D Tried to wait till after mine was finished but couldn't. Well, i'm glad to see that we were on two different pages tho. I didn't want to sample the same chops. Man it was some hot stuff in the kit. Good job reek.
chances are we probably wouldnt have sampled the same thing.. haha i always end up getting tiny little pieces of obscure shit... haha

but yo thanks to everyone for the feed on this joint... glad yall feel it... me personally im suprised yall are feelin it like... haha but its growin on me
To D Ease..Nice! joint definately not your strongest but you worked with what you had son... and whats up with that retarded cry for help @ like the :20 mark and throughout the song lol
and noddy... the retarded cry is just a way to add some layers to the shit... and its not saying help it was a chop from a dood sayin "well"

sometimes it doesnt matter what they are saying... its good to add some texture to a beat and not just have one plain layer of boring shit.

but eh thats just me. thats how i make my beats. and thats just how i sample. its not everyones thing... but it works for me
Oh no prob I shouldve asked what he was deff adds flava it just sounded kinda odd for my first time hearing it you feel me
ill probly check out the beats in here and drop one when i get home from work around 5:30 or so......
My Beat from Reek Brock's kit

What's good family? Here is the beat that I made from Reek Brock's sound kit. I based the track mainly off the drums from the george clinton sample, and just funked it out from the other samples. hope ya'll can dig this one, ya dig... DesertEase....nice ish. i like how you flipped that sample. I guess we all have different ways and visions on how we do music...
