Beamed ceiling


New member
Hi all
I'm soundproofing a garden log cabin and wonder what anyone thinks of dealing with the beamed ceiling in the pic.
[No expert here..]
We all hate being stuck with too low of ceilings, but I see that and I think at least interesting and possibly useful reflections?
Are you sound proofing, or just wanting to balance the acoustics within the room?

What material is on the floor?
sorry yeah acoustic treatment. The cabin is all wood 5m x 6 m with 40mm walls. I've got a large rug on the floor at the moment,don't know if i'll keep it. traps in four corners and a few panels in various stages of production. But the main problem is the ceiling beams that reflect quite a bit and not in a nice way Mixsit. I could fill them all in with fibre but that would make it much lower. Thought about maybe carpeting the whole thing?
I would start by making a few more of those rockwool 2x4 panels and using them as a ceiling cloud. Start with covering maybe 20% of the surface area and see if that knocks down the resonances to a comfortable level.

But be careful how much surface area you cover because it can quickly get uncomfortably dead. My studio space is partially finished, and all of the roxul is currently exposed before we get drywall up. It's amazingly dead, and very disorienting when I step into that room! I wouldn't want the final acoustics to sound like that for sure.

Also be careful using carpet for acoustical control. It only dampens mid and hi frequencies, leaving the lower frequencies untamed. Things can sound muddy or boomy in such a circumstance.