Bass traps? Acoustic treatments...


New member
First off let me say that I've been following these forums and I'm really impressed with you guys. Having a newbie section is a fantastic idea. Thank you! On to my question(s)...

I finally have a house and a room all to myself to record in. It has hardwood floors and one window. My birthday is tomorrow and I'm treating myself to a decent pair of monitors. (Finally!) I'm interested in treating my room which is roughly 9'x11'. What exactly to bass traps do? Should I put a rug down in the room or is a hard floor more preferable? What should my prime concern be in acoustic foam? Thanks in advance!
In a 9x11 room you will definately have bass problems.

Check out Ethan Weiners site it will over load you with info about bass treatment. Its biased in favor of his product but thats OK. He makes a cool product.

Also do some research on Owens Corning 703 as an alternative to studio foam. Its MUCH cheaper than the foams by companies like auralex and far more effective.
joshj said:
First off let me say that I've been following these forums and I'm really impressed with you guys. Having a newbie section is a fantastic idea. Thank you! On to my question(s)...

I finally have a house and a room all to myself to record in. It has hardwood floors and one window. My birthday is tomorrow and I'm treating myself to a decent pair of monitors. (Finally!) I'm interested in treating my room which is roughly 9'x11'. What exactly to bass traps do? Should I put a rug down in the room or is a hard floor more preferable? What should my prime concern be in acoustic foam? Thanks in advance!
Checkout the acoustics forum;f=26;hardset=;start_point=;DaysPrune=