Bass in Cubase


New member
I have recorded in some bass with a midi keyboard for some rock tunes. At the moment I am using the Halion One instrument that comes with cubase for the bass sound. I'm wondering is there a more realistic instrument out there that I can use?
I was wondering is there a better sampler out there for bass parts as often when you get something included with a product it is not as good quality as a 3rd party item. So is there a better one or do you reckon halion one produces sounds that are realistic enough?
I was wondering is there a better sampler out there for bass parts as often when you get something included with a product it is not as good quality as a 3rd party item. So is there a better one or do you reckon halion one produces sounds that are realistic enough?

Halion One is OK, but is definitely limited. It's the little brother of the full blown Halion sampler from Steinberg. Personally I just Kontakt, and feel that it is probably by far the most comprehensive and feature rich sampler out on the market at the moment. However, depending on how deep you want to get with it, it can get pretty complicated and daunting. It even has it's own scripting language for crissake :eek:

Having said that, if you're just looking for more "realistic" (ugh, I hate those desciptions) bass sound, w/o actually using a real bass (which in this case would be the best option) look at the following:

Trilogy/Trillian as Seidy recommended. Trillian is the new/updated version of Trilogy, so you will not be able to purchase Trilogy anymore.

Chris Hein Bass is another highly sample library. Incidentaly it uses Kontakt as the front end. It comes with Kontakt Player so you don't have to have full Kontakt to use it, but it will work in Kontakt too if you have it.

Of the two, Trillian is more comprehensive in that it has more variety of sounds. However, Chris Hein Bass, while concentrating on 3 instruments, it goes really deep and detailed into sampling them with all kinds of articulations, etc.

Either one would be an excellent choice. Check the links and the demos.