Bass Effects


New member
I'm looking for an effect unit for my bass. I've heard about the 'Night Bass' [I think it's by ART, not sure though], and there was another one, I think by Korg [again I'm not sure]. What is good? Do I really need something that say it is for bass, or would a guitar effect unit be just as good? [I heard something about bass effect being geared for the lower frequency response of bass, but also heard that that is a load of bull] Any advice out there?
I use a rack mounted multi-effects DSP (Rocktron) with my bass fairly often. The unit is marketed for guitar but works fine with bass. Also, last year I gigged a few times with a veteran bassist (25+ years exp.). He played through a series of standard 'stomp box' (Boss, Digitech, etc.) effects daisy chained together. He got some of the coolest bass guitar sounds I have ever heard, but he had a top of line bass and excellent head/cabinet (Ampeg/Hartke).

There may be some effects processors 'optimized' for bass, but I think the amp and cabinet quality are more critical for a solid bass sound than which signal processer you use.

Effects (e.g., chorus) that are made for bass generally only process the higher frequencies so that you don't lose the low end during part of every sweep cycle. However, lots of people use standard guitar effects with no problem. If you're into a clean sound (i.e., not distorted metal/thrash), then I agree that your best bet is to spend the money on a nice bass with active EQ, and a nice amp (Eden, Ampeg, etc.) and maybe a sonic maximizer and/or compressor (if your amp doesn't already have one on-board). If you actually want various forms of distortion and funky wah, just buy a Zoom 506 which is really cheap used. It's noisy as heck, but it's not like you'd notice with that music). Honestly, most bassists *rarely* use effects at all -- except for maybe a little chorus (e.g., during a fretless solo), or a little delay and compression (e.g., for harmony while slapping or tapping). But that's it. The Nightbass is awfully expensive for something that you really are unlikely to use as much as you might think. Plus, the non-bass playing members of your band may get pretty annoyed if they feel like the guy who's supposed to be holding down the groove is trying to be a guitar player instead.
I don't like those Zooms so much... although the new one looks slick-- with phrase sampling and stuff. I use an old BOSS HM-2 distortion which has a lot of growl to it. I definantly recommend stomp boxes-- not DOD (DOD is crap. You can only get 1 or 2 sounds out of them). I also use my chorus on my GK amp to sound like Tool when I want to. The key is a good bass and a great amp. Unless you wanna play like Beck's bass player, stick to a couple stompboxes. A compressor might be useful. My experience with multieffects units is they have a lot of effects, but they're almost all terrible compared to individual stompboxes. Also, make your own. Stompboxes are VERY easy to make!
