Bass DI. Sansamp RBI or ACMP 73?


New member
I have been using the RBI for bass DI and I like it. But I have a couple 73s on the way and I'm wondering if I should ditch the RBI and just use the 73?

I also have an MPA Gold that could give me the tube DI flavor if I need it.

Just curious if I should blow out of the RBI and maybe pick up an SM7 or something. I'm hearing that the 73 just kills on Bass DI.

Whatcha think?
I have been using the RBI for bass DI and I like it. But I have a couple 73s on the way and I'm wondering if I should ditch the RBI and just use the 73?

I also have an MPA Gold that could give me the tube DI flavor if I need it.

Just curious if I should blow out of the RBI and maybe pick up an SM7 or something. I'm hearing that the 73 just kills on Bass DI.

Whatcha think?

Hey, it's you! I just ran into you over at Gearslutz. looks like we have the same taste in gear, too. I'd say the RBI and the 73 are two completely different animals, honestly. The 73 was *very* good on bass though, I have to say. I was tracking a Fender Bullet Bass which was a little thin-sounding (same through the RBI and the MPA), so I gave it a little bump at 220, took a bit off at 7.3Khz and a bit at 12Khz...low shelf off. Very punchy...filled out that 200-300Hz space in the mix very nicely.

You know you're gonna try them all, so just do it and post the clips!

Will do Frank.

I'm sure you're right. I guess I'll just have to try 'em both out and see what I got.

I am really looking forward to hearing that 73 though.

Thanks Bro.