Bass Amp-Opinion of-


New member

I am looking to fool around with a bass in my home studio. I don't play bass so I'm not familiar with any amps. Just got an older Peavey Foundation pretty cheap.

It is a Crate bass amp, model BX-2115. It's rated 160W@8ohm.

It has a 15" speaker. ( the head-only version is model BX-220H)

Can't find much on the web about this model.

Has anyone here ever used this model and what do they think of it? Any idea of how old it is?

I'm trying to gather some info before driving over to see it.

Any opinions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.....Ron
I'm primarily a bass player. Here's my opinion...

If you are getting something mainly for recording, you really don't need a speaker at all. You just need a quality DI, and even that is arguable depending on the electronics in the bass. Bass sounds pretty damned good as a clean direct signal, if your bass sounds half good.

If you really want something just to play through, then the only answer is to try it out and see how you like it.