Bash please!

No fault whatsoever over the playing of the instruments or the tune itself, but if you want a little CC:

What is your recording setup? This sounded like a "live" recording where everything was played simultaneous and has a airy, bleed-over quality.

The track runs a bit short, and do you plan on adding vox? If so perhaps you should complete the song (even as a rough version) before posting it for critique?

Just my 2 bits.


Duke Leto Atreides
I agree with the comment about the track duration. I can totally hear a few vocal melodies in there and if you added in another verse and chorus you could have some room for the vocals to tell a full story.

Unless you like it, to fix some of that "airy, live sound" you can reduce the track reverbs and, in the future, mic closer to the amps. It sounds like you are getting a lot of room reflection, unless it is all reverb.

Overall very good! I can totally see that being a soundtrack to a movie :)
Hey all!

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it :)

As for the airy"ness" I'm not too sure how that's coming about because I use
my Line 6 UX2 to record the guitars... any thoughts on that?

The version I posted is just the shortened version of the song, it'll be a lot
longer with vocals and more lead riffs etc =)

Let me know what you think.

Okay here is an update:

I'm having trouble with getting the vox to sit in the mix
(I know it doesn't sound like it fits) Any suggestions?

Is the vocal tune catchy?

C&C appreciated :)

Thank You all


  • Reminisce - Untitled(vox).mp3
    1.4 MB · Views: 16
It's a good tune, but the vocals are pitchy and have too much effect on them. The phrasing too isn't spot on. A straighter drum beat would fit it better IMHO, that double snare hit the whole time tends to get annoying.
This is a good start though.
I too got a little tired of the incessant snare.

The vocals could be a little more consistent, volume-wise.

The secondary vocalist is way off on the timing.

I disagree on the pitchiness though. I think your vocal tone is good. It's got an intense, raw sound too it. It's a catchy enough melody too.
The screaming style during the verse works, but I think its terrible in the chorus, because you wrote a decent chorus and melody, I'd sing it normal tone as close to pitch as possible and double it, the weird echo on the pre-chorus doesnt work either. There is a pretty interesting song here, keep working on it and you'll have something great.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys :)
I appreciate it!

As for the vocals, that was the first recording so I'm definitely going to make lots of changes, including a mic upgrade soonish! I'm going to change the style of the chorus, I agree the screaming doesn't fit in there. I'm going to redo everything basically but the song will remain the same (the music).

I have changed the drums for the chorus so that there isn't that repetitive snare smashing sound!

Expect an update soon!

Alright, well the early Taking Back Sunday-ish screaming wouldn't have been my first choice (although I think it sounds awesome), but I think you definitely have a good melody. I agree it might sound better if you only screamed during the verse so I'm looking forward to the next mix!