bands latest song - first major attempt at self production!

The snare it's too loud man, and it seems to be doubled, that's weird. the bass it's also too loud, the vox tend to get lost... check the levels. Do you use studio monitors to mix? if not, you should, it makes the difference, for real.
If i were you, i'll start all over again like this:

1) The drums... they sound cool? can i hear well everything?
2) The Bass... sounds cool with the kick (click "solo" on the Kick and Bass)? they don't kill each other (same frequencies)?
3) Guitars... first Eq/compression or whatever alone, then check levels with the bass/drums.
4) Vocals... compression, DeEsser, Eq and levels.
5) Check the OverAll, try to compare with the sound you are looking for. This is when you are starting, then you'll get your own sound.

Hope that Helps