Band Name Ideas

didn't read any posts but here's my donated band name...

The shits and giggles.

you can thank me later.:D
Not to be a dick, but I think there are already enough trendy mainstream bands like that. All of the truly great bands were innovators and paved the way for the rest to follow. We are in a stale musical state where we need some new sound to redefine rock n roll as we know it. I'm not trying to preach to anyone or jump on the "bash it if it's not what we do" band waggon.

What ever you do is fine, but when you're comparing yourselves to the latest hot bands out I have the tendency to think just another radio "butt rock" band as the great Beavis and Butt Head would say. :D
lol. Yes you are. Your post has little relevance at all to the subject at hand.

Hey, he said "Not to be a dick". That means you can say whatever you want after that. Kind of like "with all due respect". For example.......

With all due respect, you're a fucking child raping cock sucking mongo lipped kuntface.

See? It's okay because the "With all due respect" part. It's no longer offensive. You can substitute "Not to be be a dick" and it works fine too.
Didn't the Greatfull Dead get their name by opening the dictionary to two pages in a kind of dart board fashion. And while on acid naturally ...... not to be a dick of course.

Hey, he said "Not to be a dick". That means you can say whatever you want after that. Kind of like "with all due respect". For example.......

With all due respect, you're a fucking child raping cock sucking mongo lipped kuntface.

See? It's okay because the "With all due respect" part. It's no longer offensive. You can substitute "Not to be be a dick" and it works fine too.

man that made me laugh :laughings:
Didn't the Greatfull Dead get their name by opening the dictionary to two pages in a kind of dart board fashion. And while on acid naturally ...... not to be a dick of course.


Thats a good idea.

I posted about using letters from peoples names to create a name from the letters however the dictionary idea is a good one as well.
I was going to say something to Gerg about how people get defensive about their music because ridiculing their music is kind of like calling their babies ugly.
Then he used the f-word, c-word, and other c-word (but with a k) all at once, so I figured there wouldn't be much point to it.

That's my suggestion for a band name! :D
Here's How You Do It...

Having been in zillions of bands, here's the best way I've found to come up with band names...

Get the whole band together in someone's living room with a case of beer, a couple of bottles of Jack, and a nice bag of pot.

Everybody starts suggesting names, and then whoever wins the ensuing fist fight gets to decide.

One I came up with but never got around to using was "Unicorn Rodeo"...