Band demo recording done with Sebatron


New member
Hi guys,

If any of you folk are miraculously at a complete loose end, download the songs I've put up at:

These are songs I've recorded for our band's demo. You'd probably need to download, rather than stream, to evaluate, though. Myspace recompresses mp3s submitted for streaming, and the results of this are pretty rank.

I recorded the songs running through a Sebatron VMP2000e.

Acoustic guitar (Maton BG808): recorded with Studio Projects C4 pair.
Vocals: variously, Beyerdynamic M400, Shure KSM32, Shure KSM44.
Bass guitar: mostly Shure KSM32, and Beyerdynamic M400 for one song.
Roland Piano DIed into Sebatron.
Drums: Studio Projects C4 pair, AKG 330BT pair for one song.

A/D conversion: EMU 1212m
Monitoring: Senheisser HD25 headphones, and cheap boombox for purposes of comparison.

I've put a fair bit of effort into the mixing. But I'm a relative novice.

If anyone has any tips on the mixes, I'd love to hear them.

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Okay, well I guess it works if I copy and paste it into the url box... anyway...

Cool song, gives me kind of a beatles feel.
Sounds good, like an older recording if that makes sense. Perhaps the whole mix is a bit thin. Like maybe the drums could use some more expanding and presence in the mix.. or more bass to fill things up.
Just ideas.. sounds good :)