Band demo -- "Don't stop believin' (Bad Bones cover version)

I'm hearing mostly overheads on the drums. Very little kick and snare. They cymbals are so loud, they're creating a wall of noise that gets in the way of everything else. I would say the arrangement and mix aren't gelling. The guitar and bass by themselves just aren't providing enough harmonic support to the vocal. Maybe add a keyboard, or a guitar in the background that is just playing chords? The singer can sing. She has some strong midrange frequencies that could be tamed a bit. Pitchy in a couple of places, but I think that's down to the accompaniment. I thought the guitar could have been tighter on the changes.
The whole thing sounds very thin. Kind of like when I used to use a Walkman to record a band rehearsal. A little better than that, but kind of along those lines. The singer sounds pretty good, and I agree with Robus that her occasional pitchiness could be due to the band, which brings me to the next point. The rhythm guitar is out of tune. The lead sounds really good, though, and actually has better time than the rhythm. The sound needs to be beefier, and the band needs to gel. They don't sound comfortable together. When I play live, my adrenaline can get the best of me for a song or two until I relax and settle in. That's kind of what this sounds like. There's potential there, though.
I'm hearing some distortion on the vocal on some of the louder notes. I'd back off the level of delay on it. The singer has a good voice - but he sounds like he got tired near the end of the song.

The tone on the guitar riff sounds pretty good.

I heard a bad note or two on the guitar. Some notes that were bent too much and others that weren't bent far enough. The guitar might have had a string out of tune.

The drum sound needs work. The cymbals are very hissy. The snare is a little thin and weak. I can barely hear the kick. The playing was good tho.

The bass sound was pretty good.