Balanced cables?


New member
This may be a stupid question, but as my secretary tells me, "There are no stupid questions, only stupid people who ask them!"

Anyway, I just purchased the Yorks YSM1p's and went to connect them to my Mackie via balanced 1/4" cables. The yorks say
tip = (+), ring (-) sleeve (ground)...while the Mackie manual says tip (-) Ring (+) sleeve (ground).

Is there no standard for balanced cables? Is it perfectly OK to use a reg. balanced cable, or do I need one that switches them so the polarity matches? If so, can I buy one? I'm really sad witha soldering gun:=(

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

ps. I'm new to the forum; but love it thus far! Thanks for making this such a great place!
Which Mackie is that?

The manual for the 1604 VLZ mixer clearly shows the balanced outs to be tip +, ring -, sleeve ground....

It's unlikely (but not impossible) that they vary this spec from unit to unit....

Blue Bear...I guess it's possible that the manual is incorrect. But I seem to remember a big stink when I bought it...people complaining about the reversal...anyone have any info?

here; s a quote from my 1604 manual: pg. 16
To use these outputs in balanced applications, connect a stereo phone plug as follows:
Tip= - (cold)
Ring = + (hot)
Sleeve = Ground
Yup - that's defintiely different than what they're doing now!

The easy way to confirm it is to send a kick drum signal through... if the cone moves inward on the transient as opposed to outward, then the polarity is indeed reversed....

You would have to create a custom cable to reverse it back though....
Ok...I just went to Mackies web site and looked up a 1604 manual...they have super-imposed THIS IS NOT A TYPO! on top of the section regarding the main I guess my question is answered. Anyone want to solder some cables for me :=) LOL

Do not bother soldering cables. You can't hear the difference, as long as they are both the same.

And yes, the standard is; Tip - Hot, Ring - Cold, Sleeve - Ground.

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M.K. Gandhi