balanced and unbalanced: specific scenario


New member
Ok, here is what I did. I got a new preamp with only a balanced mic out. However, my digirack only has a balanced 1/4 in bypassing the digirack pre's. (The mic inputs on the digi only go thru the pre's). Unfortunately, not having the right cable or adapter (XLR to Balanced TRS), I was forced to use the mic cable with a transformer adapter (XLR to unbalanced 1/4 in).

It sounded fine, not noisy or anything, but I was wondering what the risks were of this setup?
there's little to no danger here. If you are finding that your cable is picking up a lot of noise, then it might be worth looking into getting the right cable, but if not then there's nothing to worry about.

Line level signals on a short cable run don't really need balanced connections.
not the best idea you've had but nothing dangerous about it... the transformer is a step up transformer impedence wise... so the signal it passes will be lower so ya may need to kick up the gain... ultimately?? bite the bullet and get the right cable...
Had the cables on order-- came today! Thanks for the advice, all-- just wanted to make sure I could do this as a stop-gap measure for a few sketch tracks.