Bagpipe sound for guitar ?? AC/DC style


New member
Hey... any one know how to replicate the guitar solo sound on AC/DC "It's a long way to the top (if you wanna rock n roll) ???????? It sounds like a bagpipe but I am lead to believe its done with effects and played on the Gtr..
Any suggestions appreciated.. and if I've been lead wrongly, corrections warmly recieved.

Bagpipes were used on the recording, but you can do something that sounds respectable with the guitar. Frank Zappa used to do the two hand tapping technique...not with a right hand finger to do the tapping..but by turning his pick around and tapping with it with the fat side. You can even do glisses like that by just keeping the pick on the strings and moving it up and down the frets. Of course, the back side of your pick will get grooves in it from the strings!
With high gain and some compression for smoothness, you can do a good enough bagpipe for a bar gig.

Good luck,
Tom Marello (Rage Against hte Machine, Audioslave) gets a bagpipe sound out of his Digitech Whammy by sustaining a note and playing with the interval knob. (See "Voice of the Voiceless, RATM).
I don't think anybody's topped Stuart Adamson of Big Country. I recall he mainly used a string as a drone, and played the melody on the next string, on a Strat with a pretty fair amount of sustain and maybe a touch of delay. I could be off though, that was some years ago.