Bad sounding vocals...


New member
ok, whenever im singing in my room to music or something, i think i sound pretty good, but then when i hear myself recording, i think i sound horrible?? do other people hear what i hear in my room, or what i hear on the recording, when i sing..? , btw does anyone else have this problem
Matt, when you hear your voice without monitors, it's filtered through this bag of water you call your head. If you put a head between the speaker and your ear, you might hear that cool sound. Part of being a performing or recording vocalist is learning to sing in a way that sounds good to the rest of the world, which may not sound so good to you initially. It's an acquired skill. In the beginning, the headphones are your friend. Well, headphones aren't the greatest monitors that ever came down the pike, but they're better than a bag of water.
Mostly, get used to it. You've probably been singing to make yourself happy for years. Now it's time to make other people happy. I don't know what you're recording on, but somewhere, you can take a headphone line out of the signal chain. God, it's a shock to find out you don't sound the way you thought you did, but every professional vocalist that suceeded has made the same painful discovery. Deal with it.-Richie
P.S.- or you can always try singing through an Oktava MK319- sounds just like that bag of water to me...
I't easy to sound good when your singing along with a good singer. That's actually how many pop singers sound so great.

But you do have to be open to the possiblity that you are a crappy singer. If that is the case then take vocal lessons or concentrate on an instrument.

If you post an example we will have no problem telling if you honestly suck.

well im just getting into recording and have been using the computers little microphone thing plugged in the back of the computer haha, so that might be it...but i have posted this on other forums, and people say that when they hear themselves through a recording they think they sound bad...
You can't unless your system is set up as a server.

You'll need to upload your .WAV file to a music hosting site like It's a cool site, you'll like it.

I think they only upload MP3's though so you'll have to convert. I tried uploading .WAV files and I got an error message telling me that my file was not properly formatted or something to that effect.

I don't have the address, but there is a free converter floating around on the web somewhere.
thanks for the info

cool i just signed up to that website and put some electronic noise me and my friend travis made on's under "travis clement" and is probably in the sub amateur category :)
do you have kazaa? i could post them on there if you want?

Edit-just put them up under the artist "matt frye"...try and download them all (only about a minute long each), because i sing to different songs with different styles....adn keep in mind these were all made in about 10 minutes with a computer microphone, and some a cheap acoustic other effects...and try and listen to the whole thing because a lot of times i sing better towards the end of each clip
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Richard Monroe had a good point above where he mentioned what you hear vs. what everyone else hears. Not only is your head a "bag of water," it also provides cool resonances that only you can hear. Thus, one step in improving your vox is to listen to what it sounds like recorded and adjust accordingly.

Another reason your vox don't rock is because of your signal chain. Your computer's microphone is hardly a flattering recording device. There are many things to be done that can improve your signal chain and thus, your recording (among others):

1) Better microphone
2) Better preamp
3) Better A/D converters
4) Higher sample rate

Your current setup sounds like it is actually making your recorded voice sound worse than you sound to others.
ok sorry for the inconvienince *sp?* guys, im going to add guitar and stuff to them because im downloading a freeware recorder, so maybe it could be better...well when i get it up on artistcollaboration ill bump this post...or start a new one

also if you still want to download them now, try on kazaa under the album title "987" and they should come up