Bad mixing or bad mic?


New member
Here is a reason'ed up midi plus me singing. I know my voice isn't perfect, but I think it's decent...enough. I don't exactly like how my voice sits in the mix, and I'm wondering do you think I'm not mixing right or do you think my mic ain't good enough. (Or do you like what you hear?) I used a CAD GXL2200 LDC going through a VTB-1 preamp.

Vocal are a bit to loud, put it a bit down
a bit of verb can do wonders.

didiyou use some kind of plugin or eq , it's sound a bit edgy

Set your vocal level so it is just hidden by the mix and use upward eq to bring it out. Alos use subtractive eq at points where it doesnt kil the vocal sound but makes it clearer and sits better in the mix.
Mic Placement

I have a gxl2200 also and like yours sometimes the vocals seem a bit harsh. Try experimenting with mic placement, and also turn down the trim on the preamp and compensate by turning of the volume, you maybe able to get smoother vocals this way.
Thanks for all the input. Turning down the gain on the preamp helps a bit. I've figured out some new methods of noise reduction, so this works out, I can boost the volume in software and there's no noise. (For those curious, I'm using Waves X-Noise, then Waves RVox with no compression and an appropriate gate that takes off the noise before and after a clip)