Bad hiss


New member
We have a Behringer GEQ3102 EQ. When connected we get a lot of hiss, cut it out and it goes. All seems to be connected up correctly.
Has anyone got any ideas. We go sound - mixer - S_com4 - EQ - Power Amp - Monitors.

Thanks Jamie.
Time to start dissection :)

First, remove the SCOM from the chain, and see if it still hums. Its possible that the output impedance of the SCOM and the input impedance are not compatible.

If it still hums, take the EQ out of the chain, and hook it somewhere else, and see if you get the same results. Put it say... in the effects loop then run audio through that. If it still hums, its either the unit itself, or possibly you have a ground loop somewhere.

Not running balanced TRS cabling between the units I presume?
I'd check the cables first to see if they have any hum. Try plugging them directly to your mixers input channel and see if it's oisy without touching the tip. If it is, then the cable is either bad, or you need a better shielded TRS cable.
TSRs? I am using XLRs. Could this be the problem. The connects from the equipment are balanced but my power amp and mixer are single ended.
On the unbalanced ends I have put the ring to earth; tip as output will this be correct, Oh sheild as earth as well. Also my signal inputs are unbalanced as well.

Jamie. :)