Awesome drink for singer & speakers

It's got a fairly clever e-mail encryption javascript to keep spam bots from stealing your email. (Granted, defeating it would be trivial, but it's decent security through obscurity unless a bunch of people start using CryptMail.)

But yeah, more information about what Vocal actually is would be good. :D
Remember, Janis says: "This stuff is great. Really works. Smooths out the voice, gives you extra control, tone and smoothness".

Remember, Janis says: "This stuff is great. Really works. Smooths out the voice, gives you extra control, tone and smoothness".

Southern Comfort is nice, but a pack of Luckys always helps me warm up my pipes.

If it was good enough for Al, it's good enough for me.
oh god, I've had ONE lucky strike in my entire life - and I think I can still feel it in my lungs..... They really are toasted-

But yea, I was going to say water too.
Water for sure it is the elixir of life. And you can add your favorite slice of fruit to it if you just can stand bland. I kinda like carbonated water but no flavoring.

Yes, we are a bag of chemicals in water.

When I go to gigs, as well as peanuts, protein bars, fruit and hopefully some decent chocolate, I take lots of beverages!. For quite awhile I took Gatorade. For a three hour gig maybe 3 of the 20 oz bottles. One or two would be frozen solid from the freezer. Often they stay cold 'til the end of the gig.

This last while I've been using Propel instead - I like it better.

Here's the thing - for some reason you can drink way more of a sports drink (sugar) than straight water. If I have a glass of water, I'm lucky to drink 1/2 of it on break. After 1/2 I feel bloated and it's almost nauseating to drink more. But with a sports drink I can pound it and drink the whole thing no problem. Plus you get electrolytes. Sometimes you can feel pretty spaced when you sweat a lot. Unfortunately sports drinks do rot your teeth.

There was writing on Gatorade bottles once that said that they took 2 football teams and at 1/2 time one replenished with Gatorade and the other water, and that the Gatorade group outperformed the water group. That's been my experience too. It's like using Miracle Grow instead of straight water on a plant.
hmmm, I wonder....would my marijuana plant grow better if I watered it with Gatorade...??:rolleyes::D:drunk:

on a lighter note.....David Coverdale was known to smoke and drink black coffee during recording sessions.....

I have seen Elvis costello order his usual pre stage drink a number of times. Soda water with Angastora bitters.
"It's got electrolytes" ~Frito Pendejo

I was thinking the same thing. haha

"It's what plants crave"

On another note, I was totally expecting this to be a joke where you click on the thread and it's just a pic of a jack daniel's bottle.

As far as pre-show drinks. As long as you warm up properly and are plenty hydrated (with water) you are fine. I do my warms ups earlier in the day and drink water the day of the show. Once I get to the show I've already done all my prep work so I can have a beer or two and a smoke before going on stage and drink as much free booze as possible while on stage. ;)