
Ray Brown

New member
I am having a lot of probs getting to operate the automation options on mixdown,( fade controls etc) I arm the fader , press record auto ,,nothing happens. am I the only one? Read the docs, just cant seem to get it to work, doing something wrong ,,
Any Ideas?
I highly recommend that you use volume envelopes to control your fader automation.

Are you using Sonar or CW PA?

The Console view in either program is completely worthless IMHO. You can't avoid it for some things in CW PA, but you should never ever need to use it in Sonar.

Put a volume envelope on the track(s) you want to control, and then you can visually set all of your volume changes.

If you need help doing it, let me know.

Ok thanks for that, Ill try the volume envelopes, does this mean that Sonar has a bug with automation? Cubase automation allows automation with effects as well, I went to soanr because of synch probs with VST, but would dearly like to have more auto on mixdown with sonar.
No bug that I know of with automation. Just that it's soooooo much easier with envelopes.

With Sonar you can automate volume, panning and effects (at least some effects - those written for DirectX 8).
Hi Ray,

When recording automation in Sonar, you have to make sure to make the Automation toolbar visible and activate the automation option in the toolbar. You should also set the automation record mode.


Scott R. Garrigus - Author of the Cakewalk Power!, Sound Forge Power!, and SONAR Power! books, and Publisher of the DigiFreq music technology newsletter. Learn about cool tips and techniques for your music software by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... go to:
could someone explain envelopes, i essentially have no idea what they are... and i'm having automation problems as well; so any help would be appreciated. thanks.