Automation is it???


New member
Say for example, i wanted to put a drawn out delay onto the end of a vocal line of a song. But i dont want this delay anywhere else except on the end of each vocal line.
Another example would be, perhaps putting a long decayed reverb on a horn at the end of a phrase, but not anywhere else.
Or maybe just a really cool effect that only lasts a few seconds on the electric guitar track.

Is applying this to the mix called automation????

And also, HOW IN THE WORLD do you do this??? i mean it seems like your fingers would get all tied up pushing buttons and moving faders and stuff trying to remember where to insert what where, know what im saying?? can this all be done on a standard outboard console, or is a computer going to be needed? Could anyone give me some insight on this?
Nope. It's called automation when its done automatically, i.e. when you are NOT pushing buttons and sliding faders.

Yes, you ARE tied up pushing buttons and sliding faders during mixdown. That's normal, and to me, is what makes mixing extra fun! :) If it gets too busy, you have to either get automation (which is availiable on most PC recording software, I think) OR you have to record the effect. Either way adding one of two effects at the same time should be no problem. You have two hands, right? ;)
Thanks alot for the response.
I have found it EXTREMELY difficult to do these things all at the same time, even when i write them down. Many times ill take the aux send of the effect processor and route them back to 2 channels on the console instead of the returns that way i can pan the effects, or apply an effect to the effect. I feel like its physically impossible to keep track of all this (turning two pots with one hand while sliding some faders with the other is EXTREMELY hard for me).
So youve suggested recording the effects one at a time. I am comfused on this as well because my sound card has 8 outs, but only 2 ins. Wont recording the effect basically be impossible because there are really only 2 ins which means that everything coming back from the board is really a mixdown?

Currently I am using N-Tracks to record and send the tracks out to the board from the Darla. Do you have any suggestions about how to go about adding these specific effects? I would prefer to mix on the console rather then on the computer, but I am really confused about what options i have here.

If yor FX unit has MIDI and if you have a sequencer,you can send a Continuous Controller message to the delay/reverb to bring it up or down at any specific point in your track.The usual CC for this is CC7(volume).You can also send program change messages to change from a patch with a short,shallow 'verb to another patch with a longer,deeper effect.Cheers
Skyline609 said:
Currently I am using N-Tracks to record and send the tracks out to the board from the Darla. Do you have any suggestions about how to go about adding these specific effects?

You send only the tracks you want effect on to the mixer, and apply the effects and re-record them to a new track.