Automation Discovery


New member
Hello all,

I am new to the forum, but I have heard great things about this board. I just posted a recent beat and would love for you to check it out and give me some feedback. Listen and download beat here.
Nice work, gullyjewelz. How are you tracking your vocals?

how am i traxckking them? hmmm:confused::mad::eek:

well see, i implanted a tiny microchip into them, and now i get a blip on my gps everytime they go somewhere . . .;):p:D

really, how do you mean?
--sometimes i double one drop (1Lft,1Rt) & suppport w/add libs (in 3rd track)
--other times i use two drops (1Lft,1Rt) & suppport w/add libs (in 4th track)