automation data

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I'm using pro audio 9, and i have a track where during the middle of the song it suddenly pans to the left and i have no idea what is causing this. Can anyone help?
What you probably did was hit the snapshot button (which is how you record automation) when it was panned and now when it gets to that point in the song where you hit it, it pans left. One way to fix this is to go into the track view and create a new track next to the track that pans then right click on the snap-to-grid box (right next to the zoom out horizontal button) and set the mode to "move by" and the resolution to "measure" then grab the audio wave form and drag it down to the next track. This will put the audio information on a new track and that won't pan.

Good luck

I suspect you either have track automation enabled or you have a pan envelope.

Is one of your tracks labeled Console Automation? If so, you have track automation enabled and at some point in time you must have "recorded" the pan move. You should be able to get rid of it by deleting the track labeled Console Automation.

If not, then you have a pan envelope. Go into Audio View and look for a different colored "line" in the track in question (mine is yellow). If you put your mouse on the line and right click, you should get a menu. One of the choices will be to Delete Envelope.
I just tried deleting the console automation track and the track still panned, and I didn't use the pan envelope. Why didn't it work?? This would definitly be easier than moving the whole audio track but I just can't get it to work!!
I just had this problem the other day, this works in Guitar Studio 2, it should be in PA9 also.
In console view- right click on the slider- select edit automation data
now you have a window with verticle lines that somehow represent the automation, select the scrub tool and wipe out the lines, that should fix it.

p.s. every track has its own automation data so right click on the same track that you want to edit.
That did it, you can't delete the whole automation track, you just want to delete the pan data in the audomation editor. I mostly do the pans with the envelopes, so I was a little unsure about the best way to fix this (but I knew that someone with more knowledge would help out :D)

Thanx for clearing that up
