Auto Mechanic Syndrome


New member

I couldn't really find a place to post this.

I was wondering if anyone can help me with my condition of Meekness- leading me to believe the "experts" when they decide to reduce my budget and ambitious equipment searches to skim smaller ammounts of ash from me in order to learn their predatory techniques?

I seem to fall for this trick every time, and it seems will do until I've made every equipment error going.

Even if I splash out everything I've got at this stage the chances ae I'll wind up with obselite broken or soon to become obselite or failed equipment with a trusted badge/sticker.

Ho Hum, wheres the school for twisted marketing avoidance strategies?


re phrased


I'll re phrase, I'm a bit verbally dyslexic or something.

Is there any way of knowing when you're getting ripped off, led astray etc?

I seem to make a lot of mistakes just cuz I don't know what I should ask.

I don't know when things are changing in favor of someone else.
I'm going on trust on my most recent purchase and it seems to have payed off since I've got an upgrade- instead of a prototype with faults and no spares... but I think the seller did this because of my particular meekness.

I dunno what to do about that?

when you go into a store and say "I want this guitar" or whatever, often the salesman says "well, you should really look at this other one". run away. whenever a salesman says "this would be better for your needs" but they dont' know what kind of music you play or what you are trying to do, they are obviously full of it. I really hate that. has user reviews of thousands of pieces of gear that are usually pretty informative.
I tend to over analyze things to the point where I'm completely confused and frustrated and give up and put the whole damn thing away for awhile. I come back to it (what ever "it" is) a week or two later with a fresh mind and a better idea what I NEED...rather than what I want then start out on another research mission. I always, always manage to talk or otherwise exchange with someone who's been there done that or already has "it". I'm not a big fan of reinventing the wheel.

The point I'm trying to make is...what do you need "it" to do, will it work well with what you've already got invested and, give it a test drive. Like Falken said, don't get sold...go in as an informed and decided shopper. If the salesperson gets your mind spinning...leave! Consider the suggestions without the pressure and come back another day when the store jammed up and service is non existent so you can check the gear out without the constant..."want me to ring it up?", "if you buy it now, we'll give you 2% off and no payments for 11 days".

I might go out "awkward shopping" The art of buying nothing in many different kinds of shops, till I get used to not buying stuff.

I allready do the not buying bit, might as well ruin a few salespeoples ratings.

Thats it! I'm going to set a trend for "lowering the bar", can't believe I didn't think of it before, thats whats missing from this ideology.

