August FrugalGuitarist is up!


New member
The August issue of is up for your viewing pleasure. This month's reviews include the Agile AL-3000, Washburn SI60, Pignose G40v, and a dual Digitech review of the RP500 and GNX3000 (to be posted Aug 11th).

I've also started a new recurring column titled "Free Lunch” which will feature free recording tools for guitarists. This month's topic is the excellent Yellow Tools Independence Free.

Feedback is greatly appreciated!
I read through your stuff... nice blog (or e-zine seems more like what you're shooting for -- does anyone even use that word anymore?). The only thing I'd suggest is to review some gear you don't like. As I'm sure you know, critics should be critical. Some might get the impression you're looking for things that you like about any given piece of kit and talking those points up.

Or, it could be that I'm just one of those people that NEEDS to have as many cons as pros in any given review. I'd much rather hear the cons and decide if they're something I can live with.
I read through your stuff... nice blog (or e-zine seems more like what you're shooting for -- does anyone even use that word anymore?). The only thing I'd suggest is to review some gear you don't like. As I'm sure you know, critics should be critical. Some might get the impression you're looking for things that you like about any given piece of kit and talking those points up.

Or, it could be that I'm just one of those people that NEEDS to have as many cons as pros in any given review. I'd much rather hear the cons and decide if they're something I can live with.

I'm trying to bring back a pure ezine format with monthly publications. I have a blog as well which isn't as rigid topically which I post to regularly.

Actually, I'm like-minded. Many times a negative review tells more about a product that a postive. While I don't pull punches when it comes to pointing out flaws, I've yet to have a piece of gear which I absolutely hate. Perhaps I'm just a gear optimist. :D