Audity 2000 n'exist pas?


New member
8th Street Music is selling the Audity ( You might email them and see if they actually have any in stock.

[This message has been edited by PhilipM (edited 06-13-2000).]
Any idea what happened to this module? After deciding I'd try and get one when I returned to working, I don't seem to be able to find anyone selling it? I've not tried looking hard yet, but it's disappeared from the ads in UK.

Anyone heard anything?

E-MU is phasing out the Audity 2000 in favor to the new Xtreme Lead 1.... the yellow Proteus looking beast. I actually own an XL-1... and it kicks.. only has 64 voices and 2 outputs, but you can upgrade to the same configuration of MIDI and outputs that the Proteus and Audity have. If you were interested in hearing some samples, has some. Its really awesome, and cheaper then the Audity... better sounds too.
Thanks guys,

I had expected the XL1 (and siblings) to be more expensive as they were newer, but this appears not to be the case. I also thought that it had reduced polyphony, arp features and filter types, but I've checked out and this appears not to be the case either (OK except for the reduced voice count without the turbo).

I'll trial one this weekend and might just follow your advice, Loco.