audiophile 24/96 questions


New member
I was wondering if anyone who owns this card could post their experiences with it. I've tried searching but want to know more. I might purchase it this weekend. A few of my concerns are that people have posted that a sound card with a breakout box is a better alternative to a pci card like the audiophile...particularly b/c of noise. Is this true? and if so, how noticeable is the difference?
Also, which would be the best mic preamp w/phantom power to accompany the audiophile if I was going to be recording one vocal track at a time at 24bit/48khz quality? The music(guitar, drums, bass) are already in my computer...they were recorded in a pro studio, so now all I'm trying to do is finish the vocals and the mixing on my computer...which is now a 1.8GHZ AMD athlon, 80gig 7200rpm HD, 256mb pc133 sdram, Win98 SE. (I have XP but chose not to use it.) I'm running Sound Forge and Vegas. So my final question is, would an Audiophile 24/96 combined with a nice mic preamp suit my needs for recording, mixing, and monitoring??
The Audiophile 24/96 is the best sound card at that price point U.S. $150.00 . With that said in my opionion it is an entry leval sound card. Keep in mind that the anolog in/out is RCA jacks . I have had mine for 3 years now and it has done the job for me . If you have the money to spend I would look at the RME HDSP 9632 for around $700.00 or the Lynx II closer to $1000.00 depending on the configuration .
I think I am going to go with the RME card it is getting steller reviews .
As far as PCI card noise I will let someone with more knowledge address that question .
yeah, totally. i have an audiophile 24/96 and it's been very reliable and the sound quality for recording is totally acceptable for pro-sounding stuff. yes, it's an entry level card, but for the money it's unbeatable.

good pre amp? well that's a whole diff't ball of wax. what's your price range?
i recorded for several years using a 2496 and all of my recordings are "fine". it's not the greatest card in the world, but it's definitely better than the soundblaster and related cards. i've stacked 10+ tracks up with the 2496 and the noisefloor was never an issue.

i've just recently (6 months ago) upgraded to a full Delta 1010 and it's noticibly quieter (mainly b/c the I/O is on balanced TRS and is on the external breakout box instead of inside the warm and electrically-noisy computer). i think the 1010 sounds better too (in terms of a/d conversion), but the 2496 is a great product at that $125/150 pricepoint. i run the 2496 alongside the 1010 for 10 channels and everything works like a charm. so yes, the breakout box matters some, but it's prolly not worth it for you at this point.

bottom line, get the 2496 and don't worry about the noisefloor. my guess is that the rest of your gear (mics, pres, etc) are not going to be of the fidelity level where it would make that much of a difference anyway. meaning, if you're recording with neumanns and neves, i wouldn't think you'd be looking at a 2496. :D

Having the converters out of the computer case doesn't mean all that much.
The Lynx cards are known as some of the best that money can buy yet everything is on the PCB of the internal PCI card.

Happy Audiophile user here by the way. Totally impressed by how effortless it seems to work with anything I throw at it, from 24 bits recording to games unlike my experiences with other cards (Echo Mia comes to mind, still good card though if you do nothing else but recording).
audiophile user here for noise....its nothing compared to the computer fan and the outside traffic....I live right next to a highway