Audio Technica AT4053A


Pro Microphone Design

I need an opinion. Anybody has experience with AT4053A?

I want to experiment with hypercardioids for MS recording as a Mid. For Side I am using whether custom ribbon, custom tube mic with K87, or Gefell UM70, depending on the hall, piano, type of music, etc.

Recording classical piano.

Particularly, I am interested to know how it behaves in distant micing.
Is it a top performer, or....?

Thanks, Marik
I have the 4053, and I like it! But I can't be much more specific than that, because I havn't had the chance to use it much. (I'm in the middle of a complete rebuild of my recording room.) From the little experience I have with it, I would anyway say that it is the nicest and most natural sounding of the mics I own. Including the Milab VIP50.