Audio-Technica AT3060


New member
I promised a while back to give my impressions of this mic after I got to use it. It's actually kind of nice. It's a tube mic that runs off of standard 48v standard power.

If you like the White Stripes kind of sound, then you'll love this mic. I put it through some really nice mic preamps today. I would only consider this mic for rock but the coloration is something I can envision sitting perfectly in a mix.

donkeystyle said:
itsn't it a 3035 with an art tube preamp built in?

i don't have a 3035 to directly compare.

i did have an at4040 out to compare along with a few other mics. the at4040 is actually a very nice mic. at $299 and less (the less being as low as $250 on ebay), it's got to be the best value in a mic. it's a monster. i'm going to check it out a lot more but it's kind of like the rnc of mics to me so far. i may change my mind but that's how i'm feeling right now.
