Audio Technica AT2020 constant hiss sound.


New member
Hello There.

So my usb Audio Technica AT2020 has a constant hiss sound. Ether it be on 3db or even 20db. It makes it so i can't do anything to the sound without the hiss becoming really apparent.

The confusing part here and this is why i bring it up. I watched YouTube videos on the same mic with my audio really loud and there is literally no noise/hiss sound.

Is my mic possibly damaged? I do shout in it a bit. "Also it's not my pc my room is quite"

ANy help?
The USB bus can impart some noise itself; also, the audio card in your computer may be contributing to the problem.

Make sure that your driver software is up to date.
Are you listening through your computer speakers, or headphones plugged into your headphone jack of the computer? The noise may be coming from your playback system - computer soundcard.