Audio-Technica AT-RMX64 Cassette 4 Track

CLICK on that column of thumbnails. What do you get?

I really should give myself an hour or two after getting home from work to relax, before assuring myself a place in the sight of my fellows as an idiot. :rolleyes: Thank you.
That's a pretty cool little expo there on changing the rubber tires for the idler wheels. I'm guessing you have experience here- do you know that the idler wheels are the same for the AT machine as they are for the Tascam 244? I'll be doing homework and checking everything out anyway of course...

Pretty cool using faucet washers.
I'm guessing you have experience here- do you know that the idler wheels are the same for the AT machine as they are for the Tascam 244?

Pretty cool using faucet washers.

I've learned along the way... We all start somewhere.. ;)

Those idlers that you have appear smaller. The best way is to take one with you, perhaps remove the old rubber and try the ones in the store. :)
I've learned along the way... We all start somewhere.. ;)

Those idlers that you have appear smaller. The best way is to take one with you, perhaps remove the old rubber and try the ones in the store. :)

We'll initiate commitment this weekend...
We'll initiate commitment this weekend...

Cool, sounds like a plan. :)

HINT: A rubber "O" ring should work if you absolutely cannot find the proper faucet washer (first choice). Remember that it doesn't have to be exactly the size of the original. Close enough will work as long as it fits snug on the idler and rides even.
I downloaded the manual (and I think there was a brochure that went with it) a couple of moons ago (when I was on the hunt for one of those recorders) and I agree that it's a fantastic 4 tracker. Quite possibly the best 4 track out-there but remains pretty rare, one of those sleeper deals. I mean, how many 4 track cassette portastudios weigh it at 50 lbs?:eek: ......... ;)
I've decided I don't have time to do this myself, got lots of family duties and work to do, so I've found, through recording engineer up in VT I met a few months ago, a guy who does this sort of thing. So off it goes at the first chance (and appearance of $$) to get spruced up. Sorry to steal it away like this, but as you'll note from my absence it's just not happening otherwise!

Thanks for all the help though, and when it comes back I'll post new photos, tell you who did the work and present some info, and soon thereafter post a few clips from it... I hope!

Many thanks, it's not been for nothing!
Hiya GUYS.......

Im new where, But I bought one of these in the UK in 1986 new....and it has only conked out re the Drive tape mechanism last year in 2010...So not bad life eh ? so far.........

I'm now trying to discover if the tape mechanism can be fixed

Other than that, its in pretty good form, and yes, the mixer really is great as were the recordings quality wise

For anyone who needs the manuals to use, or fix one , please go to these in pdf form at

( Looks like you have to post messages to me to get the urls......ive not done five posts yet.....)

there is a schematic diagram for those of you that understand it in the one manual :-

cheers all

I would really like to get my hands on one of these. Just like the original poster of this thread, in the pursuit of better sound quality, I found myself spending more time engineering with a TEAC 3340S , and then a Fostex R8 and ended up with very little music to show for it. I tried the digital thing with my computer and with the exception of one great experience with a very early version of Audacity (recorded a tune with about 10 tracks of instrumentation in about an hour. It was very easy but I never got the same experience when I tried it about a year later), I just can't get down with the digital thing. I need a machine that I can touch. When I was rather prolific years ago, I could finish 3-4 songs in an 8 hour day with a little 4 track cassette porta-studio. Low-fi , but alot of character and really not that bad sounding. Not much shittier than Stones demos I've heard since. So, I would like to get back to the 4 track cassette format and I saw an AT RMX 64 in a music store in San Fran about ten years ago and it was really impressive looking. Probably could've snagged it for a hundred bucks or so. Really heavy, though, so shipping will be a bitch if I can find a decent one that's not to close to Providence, RI where I am currently domiciled. Might actually be cheaper to drive and pickup it up if it's only a few states away, so.....if anyone wants to let go of a decent working one, please let me know. I've got about a double-album of unfinished stuff that I would like to commit to tape before I die which, at the age of fifty, can't be too terribly far in the future(almost kidding).
so i just bought an awesome mint condition audio technica at-rmx64. I'm not sure this thing has ever been used before. Seriously, everything is bright and shiny, the jacks, the tape heads, all knobs, tape cover. Its bizarre. I bought if off craigslist and the secretary of the guy selling the thing said, "its still in plastic, I'm not sure its ever been used. It was sitting in a storage facility wrapped in plastic in the original carrying case with all the glossy colored manuals (no discoloration). Got it for $100.

One problem though: when I put a tape in, before I press play or anything, I get a high pitched whine noise. fairly quiet but annoying none the less. I take the tape out and it stops. I'm guessing some type of motor engages when a tape is inserted and that is making the noise. Anybody have any ideas on how to fix it?
Hi. I just got one of these awesome machines for 80 bucks. I am wondering if there is an actual "how to use" manual out there rather than the 'novice to advanced' engineer shin dig i've seen on the internet that only offers trouble shooting and schematics. I am really dumbfounded on how to use the machine. Through my countless hours of fiddling with it, I have come to understand that it is fully functional but I can't figure out how to simply use it.... I can record onto tracks one and two but then for some reason recording onto tracks three and four go to the first 2 tracks. I also can't figure out how to just use it as mixer from just popping in a tape recorded from another machine. there is alot to this machine.... so many buttons etc! I got it cos I was frustrated with trying to find a replacement for my tascam 424 mkIII .... I'm not new to recording onto 4 tracks but for some reason this machine makes me think that I have to go to school just to be able to use it! heh... so any pointers would be amazing. thanks!

It's a lot like a Tascam M30 mixer & 4-track tape embedded (would be), much more than it is like a Tascam 246.
Very functional and heavy duty. (I like the M30 a lot).
I've had one of these machines for a while. I got it for 80 bucks from a friend. It's sat around for a while in its "carrying" case (lol-- funny right but no shit... Carrying case).

I've been getting used to the whole sub-solo routing thing cos I've just been using a 424 mkIII forever..... And similar....
any how.... I've been walking through the manual to be able use this machine.

So it seems to me that Channel/Track 1 isn't hitting the tape for some reason.

Tracks 2, 3 , 4 work well in the mixer and play back on tape.

Track 1 is good with the mixer ( I hear it while monitoring while recording etc) .... But play back provides nothing.

I've taken off the main panel to inspect the channel boards and its dirty as hell (if hell is dirty) and I unscrewed the channel one "card" and tried to pull it out but it really wouldn't budge beyond a wiggle that was only happening because I just removed it's 2 screws.

Anyone have experience with this? I'm trying the reseating the channel bit due to what I've been reading from this forum about tascam 388s.

Otherwise. This machine sounds like it would be amazing to use!!!!
Hi everyone, I am reviving this post. I tried restoring an AT RMX64 i bought second hand. I am very new at repairing stuff like this. I cleaned every channel strip with contact cleaner. Some channels worked fine. Some others worked fine but only after a little while, a little use for the machine to warm up. But there was some false contacts on a few other channels, i needed to press down hard for the sound to come out. On an other channel the signal was really really low (like if I crank the gain all up, i started to hear the source i wasfeeding to the channel but only barely). On other channel, i could send the audio to sub one but not to sub two. That was all really mysterious and annoying to use at the same time.

I though some unplugging/contact cleaning and repluging of the whole mixer section, including the motherboard, would solve some of theses problems. So i took the RMX64 apart nearly completely, unplugging cables from the pcb and all. And now It doesn't work at all, I might have mixing up wires when I re-plugged everything.

Anyone has one laying around and could post a picture of the inside of the beast, especially when you remove the channel strips, to show how cables are connect to the two motherboards in the mixer section ?

Also, I found the service manual with block diagrams, and the user manual (I contacted audio technica, tha's all they had to send me). But anyone has a real schematics and/or parts list documents ?
Thanks !