Audio Technica 822 vs. Core Sounds Binaural Microphones


New member
wow, the snow is coming down
ok, i've another question for you all:

i am going to be recording demos and fragments of songs on a sony d-8 dat recorder and need a good microphone. i've narrowed it down to two choices, either the AT 822 or the Core Sounds binaural mic set. They both cost around $230 new, and whichever mic i choose, i will take with me and record my music as i travel, so i assume they will see (and hear) the beach, the counrty, the mountains, etc.

I'd like a rich sound, and don't mind the hearing the surf if i record on the beach, don't mind hearing the birds if i'm recording outside, etc. For the most realistic general recording for both music (voice + guitar) and atmosphere, what would you all suggest?

I've heard good things about a German binaural mic called Soundman - can't remember who distributes them at the mo, but a google should bring it up.
You wear them like earphones too.