Audio Technica 4050?


New member
Looking for a step up in a good all around condenser mic. I've picked up a used audio technica 4050 and it sounds great (a little more depth and detail than the 4033's I have now). Just looking for some feedback on the 4050 and any alternatives.

Lost planeteer... bigbear
bigbear, you may want to check out the (multi-pattern) mikes from
Studio Projects, the C3, T3 (tube), and B3 (coming out soon).
The website is

P.S. I use a single pattern, model C1, and am very happy with it
for my vocals.
I haven't heard it, but people whose ears I trust really like the 4050. I haven't heard anything bad about this mic. If you got it for a good price, it's gonna be hard to beat.