audio mixer need suggesions.....


New member

as a computer home musician i learnt mixing and mastering by reading a lot in web in last 4 years

my set up: windows . pro tools. reaper . midi keyboard , m audio inter face, freewares . i do step recording means i am the only man participating, composing , palying , recording, editing, arranging, mix and masteing, analysing and final mixing .

now i wish to upgrade my room as a studio by adding a pair of yamaha monitors and room treatment

i do not have any idea about mixers

as i record a guitar or lead the tune it goes to mic then interface then sequencer in which i tear the track and add fx and arrange if for final mixing.

if i add up a 8 or 16 channel mixer i imagine step recording the tune goes to mic then to mixer then ???? only one track will be used in the mixer and how the tune will be saved then how can i edit the tune in the mixer ???

May be if i connect the mixer to my pc ie sequencer then what is the mixer purpose.???? is it a fancy ???? (for step recording )

Pls any one can guide me for adding up a mixer in my home setup ???

Not too sure.......but I think you're asking if you really need a mixer? From what I read in your're just one person doing it to speak. I think you may be able to do without a mixer at this point. I'd maybe use that mixer money for some of the other things you're going to have on your wishlist as you outfit your room and expand your equipment. Was there a particular reason you were thinking about a mixer?

if i add up a 8 or 16 channel mixer i imagine step recording the tune goes to mic then to mixer then ???? only one track will be used in the mixer and how the tune will be saved then how can i edit the tune in the mixer ???


dear guys

thanks a lot for your suggestions....i keep aside buying mixers ...

can any one clear this in quote.... it is still in my mind and confusing me ......

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking.

You are a one man band and you are multitrack recording, yes?
You plan to record one instrument in one go, then record a second instrument on the next go etc?
If so, you do not need a mixer.

All your recorded tracks will be separate and reaper/protools will let you alter/change/effect them all separately.
Protools/Reaper is your software mixer.

Hope that makes sense.