Audio Kick to Trigger Sample


New member
Bubbling question of possibilities for all you Cubase tech-heads.

I use VST32, because I've been using it for years, so I could do with some help from Cubase users that isn't specific or limited to later versions of Cubase. I hope you can help

I have a kick drum track which is OK, but want to try using it to trigger a much hotter sample kick. I've already used the auto gate to filter out the spill from the rest of the kit and it works fine, but I've never used an audio track to trigger a sample before. Can any offer any help with ways i might do this please?


You'll need to sidechain a kick sample in. Doing this in newer versions of cubase (3 and above) is pretty easy, but I am unsure about older versions. I have never done this specifically, but i assume it would involve a MIDI transformer of some sort.

It basically involves setting up a gate, where the threshold controls when your kick sample is 'fired'.

Have a look in the help file. I could talk you through it from studio 4, but I havt a feeling it would be very very different from the process you need to follow in VST32

I didn't even know you could do this with an audio signal in cubase.

I have cubase 4, could you talk me through it kind sir?:):):)


Big Tom
EDIT - found it :) ok, so my method wasn't even close, but that sos article should help

My very great thanks, Waffleness

The SOS article was perfect in that it describes how to do it in Cubase SX and VST 5 and since I'm one of those VST 5 users:eek:, it's great to know someone, somewhere is still catering for our needs. Can't wait to get home from work and try it

Thanks again, Rob:)