Audio Interface and software?


New member
hey guys..

just need a little help..

i am looking at buying a presonus firestudio A/I and a Blue Spark Or Blluebird microphone with it..

But i would like to know if there is any other better audio interface than the Presonus.. and if there is any decent Recording software thats not to costly.. i only want to record vocals over pre-recorded beats/instrumentals..

i run a make os-x 10.6.8 2gb which i am upgrading to 6gb-8gb
Of course there are better units than the presonus.... all depends on how much you want to spend, really. I haven't used the device but I'm sure it's quite OK for what you're planning on doing. There are others in the same price range that others may recommend. Check similar threads.

Software? Reaper - $60, and free to try, full version.
I use the firestudio mobile and it have no problems at all with it.

Reaper is the software to go for without doubt.

Research is good, but don't over think it man. Believe me man, this is only the start of it. :facepalm:
Of course there are better units than the presonus.... all depends on how much you want to spend, really. I haven't used the device but I'm sure it's quite OK for what you're planning on doing. There are others in the same price range that others may recommend. Check similar threads.

Software? Reaper - $60, and free to try, full version.

hey, i just dont want to buy equipment that isnt good to me.. and i have tried the tiral for reaper and im not a big fan of it.. i have used Pro Tools SE, it is very limited but its what i have got use to.. is there any pro tools software that doesn't involve me breaking my back to pay for?
Without sounding rude, I could google that, or you could......[/QUOTE]

Ive had enough of googling everyone says te same stuff and its hard to find anything,
Thats why i joined this site to get info and recommendations.. If it was that easy noone would be using these forums
Ive had enough of googling everyone says te same stuff and its hard to find anything,
Thats why i joined this site to get info and recommendations.. If it was that easy noone would be using these forums

Aye, but the price of Pro Tools? I'm not googling it for you.
Thats why i joined this site to get info and recommendations.

My recommendations:

1 Stay with presonus. It's a handy little unit that will get you going. In time you may want to go to something better, but it's useful to do the crawl before you walk thing.

2 Audacity is free. You can give that a try. But I recommend you persist with Reaper: it's cheap, flexible, powerful and relatively easy to learn.
Is there any pro tools software that doesn't involve me breaking my back to pay for?
God, read what i wrote i didnt ask fot the exact i asked if there was one worth getting that wasnt costly
Well, that's not really what you asked, but I'm not here to argue with you.

You say SE is limited, but you're used to it.
Would it do, or do you need more from your software?
If you want more, tell us what you want.

Protools and Protools HD are very expensive.

Usually the most economical way to get SE or M-powered is to buy it bundled with an interface.
I'm not ever sure that SE is available for sale on it's own, and as avid own m-audio now, that means you're buying into m-audio either way.

From the PT SE manual, which I googled.
"Interface Compatibility (supported soundcards):

Fast Track (inlcuded with Avid Recording Studio)
USB Micro (included with Avid KeyStudio)
Producer USB (included with Avid Vocal Studio)
MobilePre (includes Pro Tools SE software)
Fast Track Pro
Fast Track Ultra
Fast Track Ultra 8R"

This presents the following problem;

Do you get SE/M-powered and tie yourself to an maudio interface?(which in my experience are not of the same standard as presonus)
Do you spend the money on 'full blown' Pro Tools and whatever interface you want?
Or do you just get to know reaper/audacity and whatever interface you want?
Generally, you get what you pay for...

This is an expensive hobby. Reaper's the best cheap software that isn't actually "cheap"... If you don't like it, fine, but the next level up in cost is a bit of a step and probably won't get you any better functionality. Just a different workflow.

And chill the fuck out. You have several very experienced people here trying to help you. Don't give us an excuse not to...
i am looking at buying a presonus firestudio A/I and a...

.. i only want to record vocals over pre-recorded beats/instrumentals..

Which model of firestudio are you talking about? The mobile is the smallest and still has like 10 inputs and costs $250. You don't need 10 inputs if you're recording just vocals over beats. You need just one input. You can save yourself $100 and get something like the focusrite scarlet 2i2, around $150. The scarlet comes with Ableton Live which I'm not crazy about, but if you're just doing vocals then it will work out well for you; and it's free. In fact, Ableton Live is geared more for users who use loops and such to make their own beats, so you'll have that capability if you ever decide to make your own music.

and for fuck's sake, lighten up.
bare in mind the presonus interfaces come with a copy of presonus' Studio One Artist free. again, like protools SE it's slightly limited but it does have a shed load of free samples and loops, it pretty easy to use and for just recording vocals over beats it'd work more than fine.

or, as steen said, alot of the Maudio interfaces come with Protools MP. my understanding is that it's still heavily stripped down in comparison to the full PT10 but, again, for vocals over beats i don't think you'll find yourself missing much.

And i do have to agree with Chili in the "lighten up" department. i do completely appreciate that googling stuff can be a royal pain and sometimes it raises more questions than it answers. in fact, on my last gear buying spree, i had decided i was gonna buy the sE2200T as i love the 2200a but wanted a valve version. however, after months of reading, researching, checking out clips/sample/whole tracks, and some emails back and forward with some distributors i actually ended up with the Avantone CK7. now, i could've just kept going and going and researching and researching but with so much out there sometimes it's just best to make a choice and stick with it. Buy something; if it doesn't work for you, sell it on as it may work for someone else. Again, i completely understand your desire to make a great choice first time and you're now at a point where i'd say that you've already got great choices to choose from. however, the audio world is full of gear lust. i have everything i need to do everything i need it to do, but do i still want more gear; hell yeah!

Sorry for the rant. my 2 cents; go with either the presonus or focusrite 2i2. both are great units and either will serve you well. in terms of mic's the Blue Spark is quite bright and clean, and the "focus" button is great at helping a vocal sit at the front of the mix. the Bluebird is slightly darker (unless i'm confusing it with the baby bottle, i've not had my hands on either of these in a couple of years). but, and this is just my opinion, i'd say go with your gut. you wanted the spark originally, but ended up with NT1a and didn't like it, so go for the Spark which was your first instinct all along (i'm still saving to get the 2200T as to me it sounds great and that was my first instinct) if it doesn't work, try something else. if that doesn't work, try something else. it's all a learning curve man, just try and enjoy the ride :)
I want more from my software .. Se is linited to 3 effects pre track and i cant download plug ins... I want a software with a range of effects... And plug ins... But i have come across 'pro tools express', which comes woth an mbox mini forfeee and thats £170 for the lot.. But inly has 90% plug ins that protools 10 has... Im also thinking about logic..
My 2 cents; either go for Logic 9 (£199 for the full whack), the Presonus interface with Studio One Artist (and this is comparisons between the different versions of Studio One) or the Steinberg Ci2 interface which comes with Cubase AI 5 (a less stripped down version than cubase LE, again this is the comparison between the versions)

most stripped down version won't let you used downloaded/third party plugins and the number of inputs/effects/overall channels varies between them. if you don't want the limitations then i'm afraid the answer is spend the money and get a full version of whatever DAW you'd like. it may be worth having a look around the various DAW's and seeing if you can get any free trials for them and play with them, see which one works best for you, and then buy the full version of your preferred DAW. I think this one of the reasons that Reaper is so popular ; all the features of a "big boy" DAW at a fraction of the price
My 2 cents; either go for Logic 9 (£199 for the full whack), the Presonus interface with Studio One Artist (and this is comparisons between the different versions of Studio One) or the Steinberg Ci2 interface which comes with Cubase AI 5 (a less stripped down version than cubase LE, again this is the comparison between the versions)

most stripped down version won't let you used downloaded/third party plugins and the number of inputs/effects/overall channels varies between them. if you don't want the limitations then i'm afraid the answer is spend the money and get a full version of whatever DAW you'd like. it may be worth having a look around the various DAW's and seeing if you can get any free trials for them and play with them, see which one works best for you, and then buy the full version of your preferred DAW. I think this one of the reasons that Reaper is so popular ; all the features of a "big boy" DAW at a fraction of the price

I Think i am gonna get Either Logic 9.. take another look at reaper... but one thing on my mind is the new Pro Tools Express? Its £170 and comes with a free Mbox Mini, but can only use the Mini Or the Normal Mbox.. Has 90% of plug-ins that Pt9-10 has
i just had a proper look at Protools express and, to me, it looks even more stripped down than ProTools MP9. Here is the comparison chart from the avid website

Also, the mbox mini looks ok but i'd personally be more tempted by either the presonus or focusrite boxes or one of the other mbox's. again, here's the comparison between the mbox's . only having one preamp would be fine for you at the moment but it means if you ever want to add more mics at once you'll end up having to buy another box as it doesn't even have a digital input to add more external pres via and optical cable. at least with 2 preamps you can do alot, even if it's just stereo recording. it's just much less limiting to have 2 mic in's